Placenta Encapsulation
Your placenta has a plethora of beneficial vitamins, hormones, and minerals. Many people around the world are taking part in consuming their placenta as a way of putting these vital nutrients back into their bodies to better allow them to avoid hemorrhages, postpartum depression, low energy, and low milk supply. It's true! Reabsorbing your placenta can help support you in ways that will have a positive effect on your baby and partner with the right dosage and proper consultation. You can experience the beauty of reconnecting with your body while gifting yourself the opportunity to better bond with your family.
You spent months creating a beautiful organ that nourished your baby. Every time you take a capsule you are pouring all that effort back into yourself and thanking your body for all the work it did to bring such a joy into your life. It is its own special ritual that becomes a blissful reminder that you are worth the best version of yourself.
I am trained and certified in multiple preparation methods and can provide tinctures and salves at your request. I serve King, Snohomish, Northern Pierce, and Western Kittitas counties with prices starting at $250.
Fill out the form below to see if your due date is available. For last minute encapsulation, contact me via call or text at: 425-445-8754
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